Annals of the Social Science Academy of Nigeria 14&15(1) 2002/3                         DOI: 10.36108/ssan/32002.5141.0140

Temporal Trend in Production Subcontracting in Nigeria
Dickson ‘Dare Ajayi
Department of Geography, University of lbadan, Nigeria

This paper examines the temporal trend, that is, the growth in production subcontracting over the years in Nigeria. The relevant concepts are production subcontracting and diffusion of innovation. Data were collected from the sixtyeight contracting firms among 15 industrial estates/areas in the Lagos region. This paper shows that the growth in the number of contractors/subcontractors, which was gradual at the initial stage, became more rapid thereafter. The results of the regression/correlation analyses carried out, using the year as the dependent variable and the number of contractors/subcontractors as the independent variable are significant at 0.0001 per.cent level at both the aggregate level and the level of the Lagos region. The study shows that if encouraged, production subcontracting could be used to enhance the industrial development of Nigeria.