Annals of the Social Science Academy of Nigeria 20(1) 2015 DOI: 10.36108/ssan/1502.02.0110
Academic Culture and Ethics in the Profession of Teaching, Learning, and Research
R.A. Akindele
This article provides deep insights into the nature and dynamics of academic culture in the Nigerian university system. Academic culture is generally conceived as the established tradition, procedure, practices, etiquette, ethics and rules of the game in the conduct of teaching, learning and research. Collectively, these elements provide a conducive environment for the generation/creation, transfer, dissemination and application of knowledge and management of teaching and research industry in support of sustainable development. Consequently, this article posits that the building of academic culture to promote, achieve and sustain the realization of the mission of any university is a huge task, even if scarcity of resources does not constitute too tight a limiting handicap. It is only a mature academic environment, nourished and fertilized inter alia by ethical foundations, democratic and good governance, and conventions and practices that can give birth to a healthy teaching and research culture, sustain and protect it from every form of degradation. For this to be possible, such a mature academic culture has to venerate and choose the lifestyle of commitment, particularly to the following: scholarship and knowledge; objectivity and truth; tolerance and character building; criticism and dissent; staff students cooperation and collegiality, all of which are in the service of development.
Keywords: Research, Knowledge Development, Development, Governance, Culture, Ethics and Character