Annals of the Social Science Academy of Nigeria 22(1) 2018/19                             DOI: 10.36108/ssan/191802.22.0150

Impact of National Social Investment Programmes on Poverty and Youth Unemployment in Plateau State, 2016-2019
Daskyes Y. Gulleng and Plangshak M. Suchi


Poverty and unemployment are on the increase in Nigeria. In recognition of this situation, the Federal Government in 2016 introduced four key social investment programmes which include the Conditional Cash Transfer, N-Power, Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme, and the Home-Grown School Feeding Programme to reduce the poverty level and promote inclusiveness. However, there are questions about the adequacy and transformative capacity of the programmes because they are alleged to be shrouded in controversies of politics, corruption, and defective implementation strategies. Against this backdrop, the essay examined the impact of these programmes on poverty and youth employment in Plateau State. Secondary and primary data were obtained from the State office of the social investment programme and two major markets in the Jos North and South Local Government areas respectively. Findings revealed inconsistencies in the implementation as it was characterised by fraudulent and sharp practices on the part of officers in charge of disbursement of funds; cumbersome bank process in accessing the Marketmoni component of the Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme and non-involvement of market officials for adequate flow of information. The study recommends less cumbersome and more transparent processes to check corrupt practices and other excesses of officials.
Keywords: Poverty, Unemployment, National Social Investment Programmes, Plateau State.